A dance from Brittany.
The step pattern is 1-2-3-bounce, each step taking one beat.
Start in a line, arms in a V hold, facing left of centre. The leader should be at the left end of the line.
Step forward with the left while bringing the hands up to shoulder height but held
slightly forward from the body
Close with the right while bringing the hands back towards the body and lowering them
slightly, making a sort of vertical circular motion.
Step forward with the left while extending the arms a little way forward,
leading from the wrist.
Lift the body by straightening the standing (left) leg.
Turn to face centre.
Step back with the right while bringing the hands back to the body
Close with the left while reversing the vertical circular motion of the hands.
Step back with the right while lowering the arms back to a V hold.
Bounce on the standing (right) leg.
The dance progresses with a 'sawtooth' pattern so the steps backwards are smaller than the steps moving forward and to the left.
Dance description by Andy Bettis 9/2007