This dance comes from Eastern Serbia. It's also known as
Davolike Dajke.
I learned this dance from Yves Moreau in 2011.
The music is in a regular 4/4 rhythm.
Start in a line in a V hold, facing right.
Take two slow steps forward, starting with the right.
Take three quick steps forward, starting with the right, then turn to face left.
Repeat all of this to the left with opposite feet, but end up facing centre.
Using quick steps step to the side with the right, close with the left,
step to the side with the right, then lift the left slightly in front.
Repeat this to the left with opposite feet.
Step to the side with the right, then lift the left. Repeat this to the left,
then to the right again.
Step to the side with the left, pause, then make three quick stamps with the right.
The second part is the same as the first except that the first set of steps go in towards the centre & back out again - the side-to-side steps are the same. As you start the second part bring the arms up into a W hold, they stay there until you go back to the first part when they drop back into a V hold.
The musical sequence plays through once as an introduction.
Dance description by Andy Bettis - July 2011