One of my own choreographies, made from traditional Romanian steps.
This is in an even 4/4 rhythm.
There are two parts to the dance, the first goes into and out of the centre, the second moves around the circle to the right. The dance is done in a circle with arms in a comfortable W hold.
This is done four times.
Take three steps forward, starting with the right, then touch the left foot beside the right.
Take three steps back, then touch the right foot beside the left.
While moving in and out make small circles with the hands. People often like to make 'chuff-chuff' and other train noises during this part - it is not forbidden.
Turn to face right. Keep moving around the circle to the right for the whole of the second part.
Take four steps forward, staring with the right.
Turn to face left and take four steps backwards, starting with the right.
Turn to face centre and do two grapevine steps: right to the side, left across in front, right to the side, left cross behind, and repeat.
Three quarters of this is then repeated: turn to face right and take four steps forward, turn to face left and take four steps backwards, turn to face centre and do ONE grapevine.
Finally let go hands and turn clockwise in four steps while still moving to the right.
Face centre and rejoin hands, and you're ready for the first part!
Both of the pieces of music I have for this dance start with no introduction, so I usually let the first phrase play through and only go in and out three times at the start.
Hora from
Archetype by
Hora (just the first part) from
Sans Domicile Fixe by
Dance description by Andy Bettis 11/2002