Mandalay pictures

Zegyo market

Zegyo market

Zegyo market

Zegyo market

Zegyo market

Pavement jackfruit stall

Pavement well - the green pail collected the water

Bag sellers - we saw these everywhere

A tiny fraction of the mopeds in Mandalay

Pavement eatery

Pavement stall - I have no idea what they were selling

City monks

Nuns, Mahamuni temple

Shop, Mahamuni temple

Shop, Mahamuni temple

Shop, Mahamuni temple. I never saw anyone in a hat like this.

Shwe Inbin monastery

Buddha, Mandalay Hill temple

Roofing repair, Mandalay Hill temple

Novice monks, Mandalay Hill temple

Sunset over Mandalay